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3 de enero de 2011

El ranking de los paraísos fiscales. 60 veces el PIB de España en fraudes.

Alí Babá. El resto, en el artículo.
Hoy me voy a limitar a dar un ranking de los paraísos fiscales para que conozcáis un poco su volumen, porque es algo estremecedor, y eso sin pensar en las consecuencias. Sólo haciendo cuentas. 
A menudo hablamos de esos lugares que se utilizan para lavar dinero o para evitar pagar impuestos y en algún artículo hemos comentado incluso los métodos de que se valen las grandes multinacionales para no pagar lo que les corresponde, pero casi nunca se mencionan cifras del dinero que esa gente escaquea en realidads ni del verdadero volumen de las operacioines que se implican en este fraude fiscal. Sin ánimo de ser exahustivo, ni de tener perfectos los datos (proceden del Banco Mundial), os paso una lista de los principales paraísos fiscales, los bancos que hay domicilados en ellos y las empresas que se han dado de alta en su territorio:
1. Las Islas Caimán: Tiene 350.000 habitantes y un territorio de unos 700 Km cuadrados, del que buena parte son islotes deshabitados. En las islas Caimán están instalados 584 bancos y opera un total de 2200 fondos especulativos y fondos de pensiones. En total, manejan entre 500.000 millones y 2 Billones de dólares, que es tanto como el doble del PIB de España. En las Islas Caimán hay domiciliadas y en activo unas 44.000 empresas. ¿Cómo se os queda el cuerpo?
2. Islas Bahamas: No voy a ser tan detallado. Podéis buscar población y tamaño en la Wikipedia. Hay dados de alta 350 bancos y operan 58.000 empresas.
3. Islas Bermudas: Operan en las Bermudas 37 bancos y 11.000 empresas.
4-Islas Barbados:  En las islas Barbados están domiciliados 41 bancos, 362 compañías de seguros (para seguros de vida y otros métodos de los que ya hablaremos) y 3920 empresas.
5- Aruba: esta es relamente curiosa, pues tiene 70 kilómetros cuadrados de superficie y en ella operan 17 bancos y 3000 empresas.
6- Islas Vírgenes: Me pasa como en la anterior. No tengo la cifra de los bancos y es posible que no los haya, por estar sujeto a la legislación de EEUU, pero la cifra de empresas dadas de alta allí es impresionante: 30.000 nada menos.
7- Belize: De Belize no tengo la cifra de bancos domiciliados, pero sabemos que hay dados de alta en este país caribeño 11600 empresas.
Luego, volviendo los ojos hacia casa, tenemos más. No os penséis que esto de los paraísos fiscales es cosa exótica. 
8- Chipre: En Chipre hay dados de alta 34 bancos y 41.000 empresas de operativa internacional. Por eso hay tanto barco por ahí con bandera chipriota (que nos pide ayuda a los demás cuando los atacan los piratas, por cierto…) , pero ya hablaremos de eso otro día.
9-Liechtenstein: Para el que haya estado, poco que añadir respecto a este país formado pro cuatro montañas en medio de los Alpes. No obstante, hay dadas de alta allí, y operando, casi 80.000 empresas de ámbito internacional.
10- Luxemburgo: El más elegante, selecto y rancio de los paraísos fiscales: cuenta con 320 establecimientos financieros, opera 1200 fondos entre fondos de pensiones, fondos soberanos, etc, cuenta con más de 10000 holdings y grupos de empresas y con 55 bancos propios. ¡Y dentro del Euro!, ¡con un par!
De Gibraltar hablo aparte otro día, pero son casi 12.000 las empresas dadas de alta en el peñón. Y como veis, Suiza, la famosa Suiza, ni siquiera aparece…
¿Qué os ha parecido?
¿Os dais cuenta de las cantidades de dinero que quedan fuera del sistemmna, del poder que generan y de las ventajas competitivas que obtienen, para haccer presión y más dinero?, ¿Os dais cuenta ahora de la verdaera magnitud del problema?
Pues sólo es una parte de lo que hay.

1 de enero de 2011

Presidente del Parlamento Europeo defiende el euro tras la adopción de Estonia por la moneda

El presidente del Parlamento Europeo (PE), el polaco Jerzy Buzek, celebró que Estonia se convierta en el decimoséptimo país de la Unión Europea que adopta el euro como su moneda.
Así mismo declaró que la eurozona será "más fuerte" con la incorporación de un nuevo socio. "El Año Nuevo trae al pueblo de estonia un gran logro del que debería estar orgulloso: unirse a la zona euro", comentó Buzek en un comunicado.
En su opinión, es el "resultado del firme compromiso de Estonia de cumplir con todos los estándares necesarios y de abrir el camino a un próspero futuro para sus ciudadanos".
El presidente de la Eurocámara se refirió a que la zona euro será "más fuerte" con diecisiete miembros tras la incorporación de Estonia.
"La estabilidad de la moneda única es importante para todos los estados miembros", declaró.
Señaló asimismo que el euro es "un bien común no sólo para los que ya lo usan a diario, sino también para los que quieran adoptarlo en algún momento en el futuro como para los que no tengan esa intención".
"El euro es tanto una moneda mundial como uno de los pilares de
la Unión Europea", concluyó.

29 de diciembre de 2010

Venezuela crea institución para ejecutar operaciones de comercio exterior

El país dio inicio a Venecom, una empresa encargada de importar, exportar y comercializar bienes y productos de distintas industrias, como el calzado, alimento, textiles, útiles para el hogar y equipos electrodomésticos, entre otras cosas.

De acuerdo con el Decreto publicado en Gaceta Oficial número 39.563, Venezuela ha creado una institución con el objetivo de ejecutar las operaciones de comercio exterior. De esta manera, se crea la empresa Venecom que se encargará de importar, exportar y comercializar los bienes y productos tales como: alimentos, textiles, calzado, útiles para el hogar, equipos electrodomésticos, productos de uso personal, y accesorios para carros, entre otros.

Venecom estará adscrita al Ministerio de Comercio y su capital es de 100 millones de bolívares.

Según los medios locales, la medida viene a complementar los instrumentos de que dispone el gobierno para regular y participar en el comercio exterior de Venezuela.

Hasta el momento, las instituciones más importantes para las compras internacionales del país son la Corporación de Abastecimientos y Suministros Agrícolas (CASA) que se ocupa de la importación directa de bienes de consumo masivo como arroz, trigo, azúcar, aceite, leche, entre otros.

Venezuela ha presentado Venecom, una institución con el objetivo de ejecutiar las operaciones de comercio exterior. La entidad estará adscrita al Ministerio de Comercio.

Por otra parte, desde 2008 la Productora y Distribuidora de Alimentos (PDVAL) también inicia operaciones de importación directa de todo tipo de bienes de consumo, incluidos consumo durable, y abre tiendas de venta directa al público.

También existe MERCAL, red de distribución al detalle del Estado, otro organismo gubernamental, comprador importante de bienes importados por particulares, es decir, compra los bienes ya nacionalizados.

21 de diciembre de 2010


APM-2010.- El SENIAT, a través de la Aduana Principal de Maracaibo, aplicó multa por BsF. 36 mil y pena de comiso a dos vehículos usados y un lote de cauchos con sus rines, que intentaron ser ingresados de forma fraudulenta al territorio nacional. Estas acciones avaladas por el Superintendente Nacional Aduanero y Tributario, José David Cabello Rondón y que forman parte del Reimpulso del Plan Contrabando Cero, fueron  ejecutadas  por el personal adscrito a la División de Operaciones y Resguardo Aduanero durante las labores de reconocimiento de mercancías dentro de la zona primaria.

En el primer caso, mediante la aplicación de estrictos controles aduaneros, se detectó dentro de un contenedor proveniente de Estados Unidos, la presencia de dos cabinas de camionetas (usadas), las cuales fueron declaradas por el importador como partes y accesorios usados para vehículos, cuando en realidad pretendían ingresar ilícitamente.

A través del Circuito de Inspección No Intrusiva de esta dependencia del SENIAT, se pudieron detectar estas cabinas armadas con motor, tren delantero, alternador, entre otras piezas, las cuales según las reglas de nomenclatura aplicadas, constituyen características esenciales  de un producto terminado (vehículo). En este sentido, se procedió a aplicar sanción pecuniaria y del comiso de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 120 numeral 1 y artículo114 de la Ley Orgánica de Aduanas (LOA).

Asimismo, se dispuso el traslado de la mercancía hasta los almacenes de esta dependencia del SENIAT y fue puesta a la orden de la Gerencia de Almacenamiento y Disposición de Bienes Adjudicados del ente recaudador, para que se decida su destino, según lo contemplado en la legislación aduanera.

En otras acciones de control aduanero, funcionarios de la Aduana Principal de Maracaibo, detectaron durante un reconocimiento de carga en zona primaria, la presencia de 28 cauchos usados con sus rines en un contenedor, los cuales según la normativa legal son de prohibida importación, además de no haber sido declarados, lo que también ameritó la aplicación de multa por BsF.6 mil y comiso por parte de las autoridades aduaneras en la región.
Maracaibo, 21 de diciembre de 2010

1 de noviembre de 2010

100 bibliotecas universitarias del mundo entero a la que cualquier persona puede acceder. (eng)

Las Universidades cuentan con  una enorme cantidad de información y sus colecciones son a menudo el centro de todo. Usted no tiene que estar afiliado a alguna universidad para aprovechar  algunas de las cosas que tienen que ofrecer. Desde archivos digitales, a los estudios religiosos, a las bibliotecas nacionales, estas bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo tiene un montón de información para usted. 

Capturing images of manuscripts, art, and artifacts, digital libraries are an excellent way of both preserving the past and sharing it with everyone.
  1. Harvard University Library. Browse through 24 different collections ranging from cultural images of eastern Asia to 19th century American trade cards.
  2. Yale University Library: Digital Collections. Find ancient manuscripts or read a classic all preserved digitally courtesy of the Yale University Library.
  3. Indiana University Digital Library Program. Download manuscripts from Isaac Newton or view photographs, film literature, and music from the collections at this library.
  4. Michigan State University Digital and Multimedia Center. Find several texts from authors such as Joseph Conrad, Aesop’s Fables, cookbooks, and texts on orchids or veterinary medicine in PDF format.
  5. Columbia University Libraries Digital Collections. Browse through one of over 10 different digital collections that range from medieval and early Renaissance manuscripts to architectural drawings or visit the online exhibitions for even more.
  6. Rutgers University Digital Library Projects. Learn about the history of alcohol, New Jersey, Italy’s people, and much more in this diverse digital library.
  7. Ohio State University Libraries Collections. See photos of Bird’s expedition to the South Pole, learn about the women of Burlesque, and more in these digital archives.
  8. Syracuse University Digital Library. Find interesting information on the history of the New York area as well as recordings of popular WWII songs.
  9. Ohio University Libraries Digital Exhibits. Learn about Ohio history, visits from important people, read WWII papers, and more in these archives.
  10. Brown University Library, Center for Digital Initiatives. This collection includes such interesting topics ranging from Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, and African American and Yiddish sheet music.
  11. JSU Houston Cole Library Digital Collections. In addition to profiles of several local historical figures, there is a collection of oral histories from people who lived through historic eras of the early to mid 20th century in America.
These digital libraries either have a focus on a culture other than that of the United States or are housed in another country.
  1. The Digital South Asia Library. Sponsored by University of Chicago, this library provides images, reference material, statistics, indexes, and more all focusing on South Asia.
  2. Cambridge University Library Digital Image Collections. Study ancient texts, photographs from the late 19th century through the mid 20th century, Pascal’s Treatise on the Arithmetic Triangle, and more.
  3. Nagoya University Library. The manuscripts in these digital databases are in Japanese, as are most of the sites (with some English and French). Whether you know any Japanese or not, if you appreciate the beauty of ancient Japanese manuscripts, you can randomly click through these sites and find some beautiful images.
  4. Ryukoku University Electronic Exhibition. The digital collection from this university in Kyoto, Japan offers glimpses of art and manuscripts with descriptions of each in English.
These libraries offer books or texts for you to read online and free of charge.
  1. Universal Digital Library. Hosted by Carnegie Mellon University, this site offers one million online texts touching on literature, the arts, and science.
  2. The Perseus Digital Library. Find Greek and Latin classics, English Renaissance, and more on this site. Currently, a newer, more modern version is in testing, so feel free to give that a try too.
  3. The Oxford Text Archive. Scroll through these digitally preserved texts for access to hundreds of classic texts. If the text is available for download, it will be designated “free” to the right of the link.
  4. Kelvin Smith Library eBooks. This listing ranges from links to full-text reference material to style guides to classic dramas. They also have an exclusive collection of early American and British books.
  5. University of Chicago Library EOS. Find image-based electronic texts available to all from the University of Chicago’s collection.
  6. The University of Adelaide Library e-Books. This Australian library offers free texts to all. Browse by author, title, chronology, or theme.
  7. Literary Resources on the Net. Hosted by Rutgers University, you can find any number of classic texts here categorized by category.
  8. The Internet Classics Archive. Find major classics, including some Chinese and Persian texts, on this site hosted by MIT.
  9. Renascence Editions. Find English language texts written between 1477 and 1799 at this site hosted by the University of Oregon. Scroll through the alphabetical listing to find texts by author.
  10. The Beck Center for Electronic Collections. This collection of resources hosted by Emory University offers projects such as Women’s Genre Fiction, The Belfast Group, and the W.B. Yeats Collection, all of which provide downloadable texts pertaining to each topic.
  11. Carrie: An Electronic Library. Hosted by the University of Kansas, this online library offers several collections with focus mainly on history and social sciences.
These libraries offer medical information for both the professional and the lay person.
  1. Welch Medical Library. This library, courtesy of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, offers a search feature for articles published in medical journals and online. They also have Subject Guides under the “eResources” section that offers links to topics ranging from Alternative Medicine to Grants and Funding to Writing and Publishing.
  2. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Center. Each page at this site provides a wealth of information explaining about specific types of cancer as well as topics related to cancer such as pain, fatigue, and genetics.
  3. Duke University Medical Center Library Online. Get databases, journals, tutorials, tools, and more at this medical library.
  4. Lamar Soutter Library. Courtesy of University of Massachusetts, this library offers plenty of information for the general public with access levels clearly labeled on most resources.
  5. Michigan Ear Institute Medical Library. Find several articles about diagnosis and treatment of ear issues in this online library intended for both professionals and laypersons.
  6. South Carolina Department of Mental Health. Geared toward both the professional and clients and their families, this site offers a wealth of information from the diagnostic stage to treatment.
  7. Encyclopedia of Psychology. This site run by Jacksonville State University provides links to anything related to psychology. Read about organizations, learn about the major theories, or find out about a career in the field.
  8. Children’s Hospital Boston Interactive Features. Click on these features to make neurons fire, see cell growth as you travel through cancer stages, create red blood cells, and more.
  9. Tufts Open Courseware. Tufts University medical school has put several medical courses online for anyone to access.
  10. Bastyr University. Focusing on natural health medicine, this university library offers a nice database with resources for natural medicine.
Whether you are studying the law or are just interested in it, these libraries have information for you.
  1. UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy. This archive provides a rich resource for all formative laws taking place between 1995 through 2002.
  2. Berkman Center for Internet & Society. A part of Harvard Law, find publications and research that pertain to Internet law.
  3. Emory Law Ready Reference. This site offers links to free primary and secondary research sources. Find an Internet Legal Research Guide among many other guides.
  4. Santa Clara Law Library. Find lots of legal resources available on the Internet as well as legal research guides here.
  5. Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute. Find procedures, codes, and more at this resource for public legal information.
  6. New Jersey Digital Legal Library. Hosted by Rutgers University Library, you can find papers on New Jersey law and legal history here.
  7. Tarlton Law Library. From the University of Texas School of Law, this library offers access to plenty of information for the general public.
  8. USC Gould School of Law. This library provides users online access to journals, legal resources, and electronic resources.
  9. Wise Law Library. In addition to the databases, this site also offers links to helpful legal websites, research tools, and library tools courtesy of University of Colorado Law.
  10. O’Quinn Law Library. From University of Houston, this library has access to databases as well as a few special collections available online.
The following libraries are both national libraries that offer a glimpse into the culture and history of the country they represent as well as hold affiliations with universities.
  1. National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This library is open to both those affiliated with the university and general readership, but note that there is not an English version available.
  2. The National and University Library in Zagreb. This library in Croatia offers collections of ancient papers and manuscripts available online.
  3. Copenhagen University Library. In conjunction with the National Library, this site offers a wide range of materials available in both English and Danish.
  4. National and University Library of Iceland. Look at ancient maps of Iceland or explore the multiple databases available on this site. Some areas are restricted to those associated with the university.
  5. National and University Library St. Kliment Ohridski – Skopje. Available in English, this library of the former Yugolslov Republic of Macedonia offers a limited amount of information online, but you can access some databases. Members of the library have access to more sections.
  6. National and University Library of Slovenia. The digital library offers access to many national treasures of Slovenian history. Much of the website can be navigated in English.
From various types of Christianity to Judaism to Buddhism, these libraries offer an opportunity for religious research.
  1. Hartford Seminary Library. Find books, dissertations, and more on Christian theology here. Some access is restricted to students of the seminary.
  2. Brigham Young University Digital Collections. Click on “Text Collections” for a wide range of available texts including children’s literature, sermons of John Donne, and a huge collection of Mormon literature.
  3. The Divinity Library, Vanderbilt University. Get the revised common lectionary, access their many free databases, and read guides on how to do religious research at this library.
  4. University of California Library Religious Studies. Use research tools, use library guides, and browse through the religious studies collection at this library.
  5. Flora Lamson Hewlett Library. Research with the online databases, take advantage of tutorials, and more at this site.
  6. The Catholic University of America Library. Research religious studies, philosophy, and canon laws at this library.
  7. Ostrow Library at American Jewish University. Search databases, take advantage of suggested links, and more at this library focusing on Jewish culture and civilization.
  8. Digital Library and Museum of Buddhist Studies. Hosted by National Taiwan University Library, this site offers scriptures, tools, and more to help your study of Buddhism.
  9. Al – Islam Digital Library. Discover Islam by browsing through material selected from our Library. A simple guide for those who wish to journey through material available in the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library in order to find out more about Islam as taught by the Prophet and his family.
From maps to architectural images to information on deafness, these libraries offer a very specialized collection.
  1. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Study topographical maps from around the world at this library.
  2. Texas Tech University Libraries 3D Animation Lab. Learn the basics and find some handy tools to get you started with creating your own 3D animation.
  3. United Nations University Library. Browse through this online library with the mission of solving global concerns and bringing peace worldwide.
  4. News and Newspapers Online. A service of the University Libraries of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, this library will help you find current news anywhere in the world.
  5. SPIRO. Courtesy of University of California, Berkeley, you can find over 270,000 architectural images in both slide and photograph format.
  6. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library. Find two online collections that offer images of ancient Chinese maps.
  7. Documenting the American South. Hosted by the University of North Carolina, you can find full texts by various authors that document the Southern Americana heritage.
  8. University of Minnesota Human Rights Library. Read more than 85,000 human rights documents at this online library.
  9. Gallaudet University Library. This library has an extensive section on deaf research including statistics, deaf people and animals, ways librarians can communicate, and more.
  10. Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection. View more than 800 maps ranging over a 500 year time span in this online collection from University of Georgia Libraries.
Whether you are researching Mark Twain or war in the 20th century, these libraries offer resources to help you.
  1. HighWire Press. Hosted by Stanford University, this free repository holds journals and other academic articles available to the general public.
  2. Mark Twain Project. Co-sponsored by the University of California, you can find texts, documents, and research available online about the life and works of Mark Twain.
  3. Project Euclid. Sponsored by Cornell University, this site offers online resources for math and statistics.
  4. NARCIS. Hosted by Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, this database provides access to scientific papers based out of the Netherlands.
  5. The World of Dante. Study Dante’s Inferno online courtesy of the University of Virginia. It has been tagged using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) to enhance the interface and study of this poem.
  6. Southwestern Writers Collection. Texas State University houses a huge collection of manuscripts and information on southwestern writers. Much of the information is available online in the archives.
  7. Peace and War in the 20th Century. From McMaster University Library in Ontario, this library provides records, case studies, a time line, and more focusing on war and peace around the world in the 20th century.
  8. Internet Public Library. Founded by University of Michigan School of Information and hosted by Drexel University’s College of Information Science & Technology, this incredibly comprehensive library has plenty to offer.
These American university libraries have plenty to offer to anyone who takes the time to explore what is available.
  1. University of Texas Libraries. Browse through the multiple libraries and museums available on this site. Some access is restricted to those affiliated with the university, but there is plenty of information for the general public.
  2. Georgetown University Library. Search you databases, journals, and special collections at this combination of both the Lauinger Library and the Blommer Science Library.
  3. Princeton University Library . This library offers lots of information for the general public. Be sure to check out their incredible reference database too.
  4. LSU Libraries: Special Collections. While only parts of these special collections are available online, you can learn about the oral history of Louisiana, rare books, and the Civil War.
  5. University of Nevada, Reno Libraries. Find Basque books and films, information on Earth sciences and mining, and maps and history of the Nevada area at this library.
  6. Washington University Libraries. Ask a librarian, find journal articles, and browse through reference sources here.
  7. Howard University Library System. Students and non-students alike can take advantage of the databases, catalog, and faculty papers.
  8. University of Delaware Library. In addition to access to five libraries, you can also view a digital collection, instructional media collection, and other special collections.
  9. University of Virginia Library. This library offers a good selection of labs, such as the digital media lab, which the general public can access portions of online.
  10. J. Willard Marriott Library. From University of Utah, this library offers a good selection of special collections, digital collections, and more.
Travel around the world from your computer and learn what these international university libraries have to offer.
  1. The University of Edinburgh. The resources here are available to the general public; however, most licensed electronic resources are not available to non-university people.
  2. The Library at UCD Dublin. While much of the information is restricted to either those associated with the university or visiting scholars, the general public can access electronic resources including eBooks, online reference sources, and more.
  3. University of Oxford Bodleian Library e-Resources. This library offers a good selection of resources available to all ranging from digital archives to research articles written by Oxford authors.
  4. Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne. Check out the electronic resources for the biggest selection available to the general public at this library. The site is completely in French.
  5. Free University of Berlin Universitatsbibliothek. Research 700 databases and 20,000 journals in this university’s digital library. The site is available in English, but some of the pages may only be available in German.
  6. Roskilde University Library. Of the open-access services available at this library, there is a good mix of information in both English and Danish.
  7. Stockholm University Library. Search the databases, e-books, and e-journals available at this library. Not all information is accessible by the general public, but what is available is clearly marked.
  8. University Library Ghent. This library in Belgium offers digital databases with historic photographs and more, a section with a five-year focus on architecture, and much more. Some of the site is available in English.
  9. Open University of Catalonia. Search for information in English, Spanish, or Catalan in this library that offers an online collection ranging across many topics including the arts, philosophy, labor sciences, law, marketing, tourism, and more.
  10. University of Zurich. This university has made several libraries and online databases available for use. There is a mix of resources in both English and German.
  11. National University of Singapore Libraries. Get links to information about Singapore from government to statistics as well as the ability to search the university databases.
Fuente:  maryandmacdesign